2005 Junior Boy’s World Champion
Town:Â Â Lake Arrowhead
 Age:  17
 How old were you when you first learned to water-ski?
 When was the first time that you competed in a water ski race?
I was five
 Who was your crew at the World Championships in 2005?
 My dad John Frey
 What ski and bindings do you use?
 I use a dc with dc bindings
 Who do you most admire in the world of water ski racing?
 My grandfather, Mac McKenzie
 What are the main differences between competing on lakes/rivers and the open sea?
 In the ocean there is a swell, and the water can be much more buoyant than on a lake or river
 Why are the World Championships so important?
 Because all of the worlds best ski racers are competing for the one title, “champion of the world”
 How did you first get into ski racing?
 My grandfather started a water-ski school in lake arrowhead
 How would I or anybody else get into ski racing?
 Start with learning how to ski, it’s a good idea to start on double skis and progress to a single ski. See if you like skiing by itself, without the racing aspect. If you like it enter in a race and see if you like going fast
 Can anyone do it?
 With the right guidance, yes
 What do you prefer, rough or calm water?
 Smooth water is more fun because you get to go faster, but I think I have an advantage in rough water so I don’t know
 Is ski racing becoming more popular in your country?
 I don’t think so but that would be cool
 What is your main advice for people wanting to get into the sport?
 Be open minded and don’t give up
 Tell us one good tip you can share with other up and coming ski racers.
 Drink lots of water before races. The last thing you want to do is get dehydrated
 What’s the worst thing that has ever happened to you in your ski racing career?
 I was in a race at lake mead and I snapped my shin in half, both bones were broken and it took three surgeries and two years to recover
 What’s the best thing that has ever happened to you in your ski racing career?
 Winning the world championships
 What is your advice to someone who would like to become a world champion?
 If you work hard enough you can do it
 How many days each week to you ski?
 During the summer , several times a day, during the winter, maybe four times out of the whole winter
 Describe a typical water training session.
 Get up and ski around the lake a couple times until I get tired
 How many days each week to you train on land?
 Before worlds I worked out six days a weak, mountain biking and going to the gym
 Describe a typical land training session.
 I either go to the gym or mountain bike, most of the focus is on legs and cardio
 Do you ever feel like giving it all up?
 Not so much in races but I got tired of going to the gym because it was boring
 If not, what is it that keeps you going?
 My trainer did a pretty good job motivating me
 Are you going to aim to be at the next worlds?
 I’m going to try, but I do have to move into the men’s class but I’m up for the challenge
 Has becoming a world champion changed anything for you?
 It changes the expectations of your peers, they expect you to do better since you’re the world champion. When you don’t do well you here about it for a long time.
 And finally with all the training, how do you relax?
 I just hang out with my friends and try to find other things to do