In February 2007 I completely re-vamped The main reason was that I wanted to move from a static web site that was a pain in the arse to maintain. What’s more, the old site didn’t appear very nice in anything except Internet Explorer as I’m no web guru and there was a lot of junk code in the site.
What we have now is a web site with a built-in Blog and of course I hope you like it. It enables all news to be nicely categorised so you can find the information you want much easier.
The other thing is that the Blog provides what’s called ‘a Feed’. Or in techie terms ‘RSS’. If you’d like a very simple explanation of RSS, Oprah has written one here.
Putting all this stuff together, we will be able to put information on very easily and then once a day (if new information has been published) everyone on the mailing list will receive a mail with the latest headlines and a few sentences. Like this example:
The reason I want to move away from the YahooGroup mailing list because after seven years of using it, Yahoo is now filling every mail with ads that clutter up the messages.
As there’s no way (yet) of importing the 1000 or so Yahoo subscribers to the new mailing list (provided by Feedburner) anyone who wants to continue to receive the mailings I send out will have to subscribe to the new list themselves.
This is really easy to do and if you want to add yourself ahead of everyone else, click here. If you do subscribe now, you might have to put up with some ugly looking formatting, duplicate mails, etc whilst I’m getting the thing to work right.
There will come a date when no messages will be sent via the YahooGroups list anymore. I will be make an announcement to everyone several weeks before this happens though.