International Water Ski Racing Online Since 1996

SRV Mercury Marine Point Score 1 Results now available

The results from point score 1 are now available on the SRV web page

Message from the Noizworks crew
Hoggy, Mike + Pete would like to thank all of the people who helped us after our unfortunate accident at Redcilffe on Sunday 12 September. Special thanks to Brent Wisemantle and Andrew Fyfe for their quick actions to help us, and to Troy and all of the guys at Trask Brothers Racing. Without them the boat would still be on the bottom. A big thank you to everyone that helped on the boat ramp on Monday to get the boat on the trailer and to Chris Anderson who helped us get the boat ready to take home. All of the people who offered us accommodation and places to clean up was very much appreciated. And last but not least Shippy. Who stayed in Brisbane with me and spent 5 hrs on the rescue boat with us and without a hat and sunscreen ( hope your ears have recovered ) helped clean an cover up boat then drive home with me when he had a flight booked to fly home on Sunday.

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