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Dennis Lindsay out of Coma

Update 31 March: by Deb Oben – Hey everyone – saw Dennis tonight at PA Hospital. Considering his long list of injuries, including about 20 broken ribs, punctured lung, broken pelvis (just to mention a few) he is looking ok. He is sitting up and talking slowly. He will be at the PA for at least another two weeks. The main thing, he is back with us… yeah! Deb x

Update 27 March: by Deb Oben –  Dennis has been transferred to PA Brisbane Hospital for an operation that was very successful. He is now out of his coma and is sitting up in bed. He should be out of ICU by Monday but in hospital for a few weeks. I will be hopefully visiting him next week so will update you all. Deb

24 March 2009: Deb Oben (Pat Cole’s daugher) has passed on the unfortunate news that Dennis Lindsay fell from a height and broke 4 vertebrae in his back and is now in a coma. Dennis is currently in ICU at Gold Coast (Queensland).

I’m sure that many old timers out there wish Dennis all the very best in pulling through this.

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